I hope we all had a great Thanksgiving with family & friends and counted an abundance of blessings ♥️.
Heading into this upcoming week and the month ahead I’m offering a new 30-minute Move & Meditate class at 7:00 AM Mon, Wed, & Fri mornings. This class is available online and is only $10. This mellow, dynamic flow is perfect to get you moving, breathing, and quiet for a brief meditation to start the day. PJs, bedhead, and coffee are welcome :)
We’ll switch up our Nourish class sequence for the month ahead and dig deeper to create space in our lower back and hips while strengthening our back body and opening our chest and shoulders. The new Nourish sequence will bring balance by building internal heat known as Agni, offsetting the cold of the winter months ahead. This sequence is appropriate for all levels. Regular practice will not only produce balance both physically and energetically but allow for a deeper exploration of self.
We now have two great online courses available in the Online section of both the website and app.
14 days to Salutations
21 days to learn to meditate
Both are free for your enjoyment and include a group page to discuss, share and ask questions.
All classes are now bookable individually and offered 7 days a week. Nourish and Nurture are also both available in the studio and via live stream.
In-studio, live stream, VOD, online course, and private session. We got you covered for a great holiday season. Practicing has never been easier. Enjoy 😊
Take good care of yourselves, meditate, breathe, and move every day.
Reach out if you have any questions. We look forward to seeing you in class with us :)
P.S. If you're not following us on Instagram & Facebook, please do. I'll be announcing some holiday specials and more there. However, if you haven't downloaded our app, you're missing out. Within the Mantra Yoga app, we are a community, with message boards, groups, VOD, Courses, and more. Think of it as Facebook with booking ability for our community.
Go to the app store and search for Fit by Wix.
Search for Mantra Yoga
See you on the app!