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10:00 am | Ananda: Restorative Yoga for Joy 💛💙💚

Mon, Apr 04


Mantra Yoga

with Kat Cultivating joy as we create balance within our energetic balance.

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10:00 am  |  Ananda: Restorative Yoga for Joy 💛💙💚
10:00 am  |  Ananda: Restorative Yoga for Joy 💛💙💚

Time & Location

Apr 04, 2022, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM

Mantra Yoga, 227 Newbury Street Second Floor, Danvers, MA 01923, USA

About the event

ANANDA: extreme happiness, one of the highest states of being.  

With: Kat  

Join us in the cultivation of joy as we bring balance and harmony to the subtle body. Each session will focus on lifting the vibration of our energetic centers known as the Chakras. These energetic centers represent themselves in specific areas of our physical body and create blockages of energy, emotion, and clarity of thought.   

1) Root (Muladhara) - base of the spine- representing stability and right to live joyfully. 

2) Sacral (Swadhisthana) - lower abdomen - representing creativity  

3) Solar Plexus (Manipura) - upper abdomen- representing willpower and ambition 

4) Heart (Anahata) - the center of the chest - representing love and compassion 

5) Throat (Vishuddha) - throat - representing self-expression 

6) Third Eye (Anja) and Crown (Sahasrara) - representing wisdom and spirit.  

• Each session offers gentle, slow, movement as we work to settle our mind and body into a joyful, restorative, relaxed state.  

• Each session will explore a chakra and postures which are beneficial for it, along with the combined mantra, breathwork, and aromatherapy/essential oils associated with the chakra.  

• Capacity is limited • Registration required 

• In-studio: please see our Covid-19 Protocols

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